Ihr Augenarzt in Zollikon | Wir sind für Sie da. Sprechen Sie uns an

I spy with my little eye!

Whether young or old, a general eye examination is important.
Give us a call and make an appointment.

We provide advice and treatment
good vision is our top priority.

We are here to provide you with expert, individual advice
and answer any questions you may have about your vision.


In case of ophthalmological emergencies you can reach us at
+4144 537 85 99


Book your appointment online now.

Opening hours

  • Mon-Fri
    08:00 am – 06:00 pm
    08:00 am – 08:00 pm
  • Saturday
    08:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Sunday

Welcome to our ophthalmic practice in Zollikon!

Many people are affected by vision disorders. They are unable to clearly see objects either near or far away. They therefore need a visual aid, such as glasses or contact lenses. Your ophthalmologist in Zollikon determines the correction needed to adjust these visual aids as part of a visual acuity measurement. Performing eye tests is one of the most important tasks of an ophthalmologist.
Regular measurement is not only important for sharp vision, but also in the context of preventive care. This is because many eye diseases that require treatment also manifest themselves in declining visual performance of the affected eye.

(Specialist FMH in Ophthalmology)

Our Services at a glance

Our services cover the entire spectrum of modern ophthalmology and
our patients are always our highest priority.

Directions and parking possibilities

Directions by public transportation: Our practice is easily accessible by public transport. Use the buses or trains that stop in a nearby area. Information on current connections can be found on the websites of the local transport companies or via online map services such as Google Maps.
Free Parking possibilities: Our eye practice has its own patient parking spaces located directly in front of the building. You can easily park in front of the building

Visit our practice virtually in 3D

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